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Google CCAI

Integration done by Odigo

Odigo Omnichannel Bot benefits from Google’s groundbreaking CCAI technologies to provide the conversational experiences customers expect with state-of-the-art transcription accuracy and high-fidelity speech, to meet your customers globally.


  • Deliver better user experience (via state-of-the-art automatic speech recognition)
  • Extend your global reach (thanks to a large set of supported languages)
  • Improve customer interactions with intelligent, lifelike responses
  • Personalize your communication based on user preference of voice and language


Speech to Text

Wide voice recognition that supports more than 125 languages and variants.

Speech to Text

Noise robustness to handle noisy audio from many environments without requiring additional noise cancellation.

Text to Speech

Supported 220+ voices across 40+ languages and variants with text and SSML support for pronunciation instruction.

Text to Speech

Pitch and speaking rate tuning of the selected voice.

Text to Speech

90+ WaveNet voices to generate speech that significantly closes the gap with human performance with paid option.


Google CCAI main KPIs

A large set of languages recognized and synthetized, with human-like voices.


Odigo Connectors Brochure
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